While lauda _ round a corner he suddenly _ control of his ferrari

While lauda _ round a corner he suddenly _ control of his ferrari

  • A. went-lost
  • B. was going-was losing
  • C. was going-lost
  • D. went-was losing

Giải đáp

The most natural and grammatically correct option is:

C. was going-lost

Here’s why:

  • “Went” and “suddenly” are not compatible. This combination suggests a single, instantaneous event, which doesn’t fit the context of a sudden loss of control.
  • “Was going” implies ongoing action. This better describes the situation of Lauda driving his Ferrari.
  • “Lost” is the natural past tense of “lose” and fits the action of losing control.

Therefore, C. “was going-lost” is the most accurate and impactful choice.

Xem thêm:  Một đội công nhân sửa đường, ngày thứ nhất sửa được 85,5m đường, ngày thứ hai sửa được nhiều hơn ngày thứ hai 19m đường. Hỏi trung bình mỗi ngày đội công nhân đó sửa được bao nhiêu mét đường

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