For conclusion, the death of local languages is an alarming development.

For conclusion, the death of local languages is an alarming development.

  • A. For
  • B. the
  • C. of local
  • D. an alarming

The correct preposition to use in this sentence is A. For.

Here’s why:

  • “For” is used to introduce the reason or cause of something. In this sentence, the reason for the conclusion is the alarming development of local languages dying.
  • “The” is a definite article used before singular nouns. It wouldn’t work here because “conclusion” is a general concept.
  • “Of local” doesn’t make sense grammatically.
  • “An alarming” is the correct adjective phrase to describe the development.

Therefore, the correct sentence is: For conclusion, the death of local languages is an alarming development.

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