it was confident of him to say that he was the best student in his school

It was confident of him to say that he was the best student in his school

(Anh ấy tự tin nói rằng mình là học sinh giỏi nhất trường)

=> He was confident to say that he was the best student in his school

(Anh chàng tự tin nói mình là học sinh giỏi nhất trường)

He had always been known for his self-assured nature, and on that particular day, it was no different. With a glint of determination in his eyes and a smirk on his face, he boldly declared, “It was confident of him to say that he was the best student in his school.” His classmates exchanged knowing glances, acknowledging his unwavering self-belief. While some might have considered it arrogance, there was no denying his exceptional academic achievements. Whether or not he was truly the best student, one thing was certain – he had the confidence to back his claim.

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